Dear God: Hear Our Prayers~


I have often heard people say, “I have been praying so faithfully, and I haven’t heard anything yet.”  Or, “God doesn’t hear me, He isn’t anwering my prayers.”

This has long been a “bone of contention” with me.  But, before I go into the reasons why, I just want to say-we are all “flesh” and so we sometimes struggle with due dilligence in terms of patience, and being obedient to the Lord.  I know I have been guilty of it many times in the past, and who knows maybe I will be guilty of it in the future; but one thing I have never faltered in and that is my undying Faith in God and His ability to change everything in one second flat.

Faith is about “believing that which we cannot see” – for we “walk by faith and not by sight” 2 Corinthians 5:7 NKJV.  And, in so doing we are fortifying and living in testimony of our Savior Jesus Christ, and all that He has done for us.  His Father, our Lord  God gave us the Lamb who was slain for us, who became the “Living Word” as he walked amongst man/sinners; we are showing our hearts in unity as we follow and believe in the ministry and works of Jesus Christ, through our works in our righteous deeds.

So when the Lord, our God sees us, His children approach His Holy of Holies, and stand before His throne in the Name of Jesus Christ and pray, He hears us.  His will is perfect and His ways Divine and in perfect timing in accordance to all things, however that is what we need to understand, “HIS WAYS, HIS TIME” and “HIS WILL” not ours.  So, if we do not hear an answer right away, be patient, don’t give up, take a leap of faith and hold on. He will respond in His own time. 

We will be heard – and if the prayers aren’t answered, we cannot see the future, He can; and there may be something better waiting for us and He knows that and it will become apparent eventually.  Perhaps the “dawning of undertanding” will not be revealed immediately, or even ever – but just hold on knowing He has better plans for us, and what His purposes are we may never understand. 

 However, most times the prayers are answered, and the main thing is that we are “never alone” He is with us always.  Isn’t that comforting?  Knowing He is with us 24/7?  Watching over us even as we sleep?  Is that a comfort a joy a sign of His everlasting covenant with us, His very Word, and His very Promise to us?

So to those of you praying and waiting, or those of you in a desperate area in your life right now, hang on and keep praying…For it may be that very next prayer that will open the heavens with  His grace in which He will grant our requests.  Sometimes it takes “one more prayer” for the vial to open and be sprinkled out upon us.  God is refining us to become more like Him, and doing an inner working on us all, to become more like Him.  The trials and tribulations that we stand hand in hand in together as Christians, make us “stronger soldiers in Christ” and he is accomplishing a deed within us until we are shining from the inside out. Each trial and suffering a step closer to perfection in His image.

Keep praying, keep believing, and keep walking in Faith, not by sight – only God knows when your prayers will be heard, until such time- keep looking up for all of your answers, and for the direction in your life.  Amen.

Blessing Peace and God’s Love~

2Corinthians 4:17  “For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, is working for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory.”