Dear God – From one Christian to Another~

Today was a good day overall, however let me state that everyday with God in my life is a good day overall.  Each day life is filled with unexpected treasures along our path, and some we may notice and others may not be as obvious.  And, then there are all the other variables in between.  Treasures come in the form of many different delights, a phone call out of the blue from an old friend.  Or, perhaps an item that was lost and now was found, or a raise at your place of employment.  The list goes on.  Or, your prayers were answered and the Lord shined His light and mercy upon you, and wrapped you in His arms filled with love.

I went for blood work-up today, and the lady that was there was a “temp” and not the usual phlebotomist  that I have come to know.  This lady was the polar opposite of the other woman who works there, she was quiet, demure and so low spoken I hardly heard her and made a mental note to take a “hearing test” to determine if I was now hard of hearing!

Well, anyhow the lady was busy doing her thing and I c0mplimented her earrings and she thanked me with a little smile. Then continued in her duties, diligently typing away in the computer all of the info presented to her on the lab slip.  And, clearly she wasn’t a “friendly type” but then something touched me in my heart and I opened my mouth and said,”I was pulling into the parking lot and had on my Praise and Worship CD and I got looks from others like I was nuts!”  Suddenly she looked up and smiled and her voice boomed (not hard of hearing after all thank God!) and she said, “Oh Praise the Lord, that is what I do…That’s right Jesus I love you Lord.  I get up in the morning, thank the Lord, ask for God’s protection on my day and His blessings.  And, when I get into my car I ask for the Lord to protect everything from my steering wheel down to the tires.  I ask the Lord to take the wheel and keep me safe.  Yes, Jesus. Amen.”  WOW!!!

The words the Lord gave me to speak opened up a whole spark that ignited her as she began to Praise the Lord and join me in sharing stories of our Love for God.  She smiled the rest of the time,  and laughed…And, I even told her, “I don’t know how you can stay here by yourself- it is desolate and you are in the back with no one on this entire  floor!”  She looked at me and said, “I am not brave, I am a little tense about that, however I have my Lord my God, Jesus to protect me.” She then went into a spontaneous prayer, that was powerful and filled with love and devotion to God; and it was beautiful to be a part of, and I found myself bowing my head in reverence to our Lord, and then raised my hands in thanks to Jesus Christ name.  She was truly anointed in the Spirit, and it was God’s glory that came into that room with the both of us.  I loved it and we parted with God’s peace and Love, and we gave each other “peace in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.”  And, I left.

Walking down the long narrow corridor, on the labs floor which is empty and extremely lonely-it made me realize that people filled with Love for God are fuel for the Lord’s soul – as we connect to one another, fellow Christians in the name of our Savior Jesus Christ, it is truly a warm and loving feeling.  I will never forget that encounter it was truly one of which I haven’t experienced before in a laboratory- and I will never forget the quiet demure lady Jolata- that became so “robust and loquacious with a loud booming voice” that only happened when she spoke of God and His Son Jesus Christ.  Amen!

Blessings Peace and God’s Love,

CD Swanson~

 Zephaniah 3:17 NKJV “The Lord God in your midst, The Mighty One will save: He will rejoice over you with gladness, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing.”