Dear God – Life Anew in a Trash Can~

Hello Everyone,

This morning I was saddened and yet not surprised  to hear about a kitten that was found in a trash can.  This is not the first time a horror story concerning a living creature was found in  the trash, and yet no matter how many times I hear about these wicked scenarios, it makes me very sad.  It brings sorrow within my very soul  knowing that something so precious and helpless can be left with careless abandon in a trash can!  One of God’s creatures thrown into a trash can!  The evil behind this garish act is yet again a cold splash of reality as one realizes these”evil spirited individuals”share the earth with us. 

Evil exists in this world and it always shall until Christ returns to earth with His army to rid the earth of evil once and for all, and to reclaim this world and change it into a haven of peace and a paradise to share with our Savior.  Until such time, evil is very much alive today.  Most times it can be subtle and not blatantly staring at you in the face.  It is up to us as Christians to be able to discern and keep our radar up at all times, the enemy likes to jump in and create havoc when we least expect it.

The vile and heinous act perpetrated against the kitten was sad and had the handwriting of evil all over it.  However having great faith, I know that God will always be victorious over evil.  And, He uses His children as vessels-we as Christians understand how that goes.  The kitten was saved by a compassionate young man who heard the mewing as he walked by the trash cans.  He stopped looked around and found it all dirty and abandoned in the trash, barely alive yet mewing for help. 

This young man that found the kitten brought it home, nursed it with loving and kind hands- and it began to recover, and not simply recover, she began to thrive!  The compassionate young man was the “good one” who rescued the kitten “from evil” – and in this poignant story a very big message is apparent.  Goodness will always prevail over evil.  We must have faith, and we must always believe.  This young man was walking by at the right time and heard the cries of a helpless creature and he acted quickly and thereby saved it. Undoubtedly this young man has a good soul and a heart for God, because this righteous act surely made our Lord smile.

Sadly there are stories that do not have this happy ending with all of the pain in this world, but those that bring about evil will eventually be charged with their dastardly deeds – in a place where “acts”  matters most – before the great white throne of judgement, before God.  So no evil crime will go unpunished for the ones that “get away” – God is watching the whole time.  And, goodness will always prevail.  I have faith in my Lord, my God.  Do you?

That kitten is a stark and telling representation of our world today – it had a happy ending…And when Christ returns, I will be ready for the happy ending & beginning for all eternity!  Amen.

See you next time,

Blessings Peace and God’s Love~

1 John 5:4 “For whatever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world -our faith.”