Dear God – Bless the USA~

Hello Everyone!

I am sure most of you are getting ready for the long weekend commemorating the 4th!  I feel blessed to live in the USA and I thank the men and women who have served to keep this country free, the sacrifices they have made for our homeland – to keep us free. 

God is our Shepherd and we shall never want – He is amazing and good and provides for us, His children in all ways.  We are His flock, we need to remember these basic truths, and when we do our lives will go a lot smoother than for the ones that choose “not to” conform to His superior ways and His unconditional love.  When we start to “take God out of the equation” for this and that, life is no longer a life that is smooth, fruitful or full of purpose.  Life becomes a mere existence and a super shadow of vast emptiness. In other words, we are not LIVING – just existing.  To LIVE is to be in the ways of our Lord, to drink from Jesus Christ and His LIVING water. That is LIFE as we all should know it. 

I pray you all have a safe and blessed weekend filled with thanks for our country and the military past present and future who keep us free, and thanks to almighty GOD who continues to be the only reason for everything in our lives.

Blessings peace and God’s Love,

CD Swanson~

Psalm 100:3 NKJV  “Know that the Lord, He is God, it is He who has made us, and not we ourselves; we are His people and the sheep of His pasture.”