Dear God – Pour your Spirit out on us~

Hello Everyone,

It is the start of a new week – and a beautiful sunny day, which is a welcome thing after so many weeks of rain!  It seems like it never stops raining.  It was pouring for about five days straight!  I know we need the rain for every essential aspect of life, because without it, we cannot survive.

Which brings me to the reason for everything – GOD.  His very Spirit that lives within us.  We love to sing praise and worship songs with words such as, “pour your Spirit out on me, wash me from above.”  And, that is essential to our being, just as water is to life.  And, Jesus is the “living water” as we who drink of it shall have eternal life.

Let us all drink of that water so we will “never thirst again” which will spring into eternal and everlasting life.  I shall drink from His living waters and live forever in the glory of His love. 

How are you fixed for water?  Are you thirsty?  Well beloved, drink, and never be thirsty again.

I will see you next time, Blessings, Peace and God’s love to all~

John 4:14 NKJV  “but whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst.  But the water that I shall give him will become a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life.”

Dear God – I thank you for Loving me~

Hello Everyone,

Sunday is a beautiful day, always has been to me at least.  Growing up when I was attending school, from first grade and beyond – I always loved Sundays.  It was a time of worship services, and then afterwards just a general day of rest.

After Church services – as a child I remember going home changing out of my sunday dress and going in the yard to read or play with my dog.  My mom would have this great pot of marinara sauce with meatballs, spare ribs,& sausages, and it would permeate throughout the neighborhood; causing people to salivate as they walked by our house. To accompany that incredibly delicious sauce was usually ravioli, or lasagna (our favorites) or baked ziti – depending on what my mom wanted to make.  Salad, antipasto – and afterwards desserts from Italian bakeries, so delicious. 

Company would be over every single Sunday…My great grandmother and her unmarried son/my uncle; my mom’s mother/my grandmother; my dad’s mom and father/grandmother and grandfather; and usually most times my two Aunts, along with my sister’s friends, my brother’s friends, and at times, one of my friends…  Of course, myself and my two siblings, and my mom and dad  completed the picture.  It was fun and so many laughs took place in that time of which they would visit.  I thought it would  never end. 

 Sadly we all got older, and my grandparents passed away, as did my dad; but those memories live on in my heart, they are treasures of the heart.  And, the Lord provided them by blessing me and my family with the opportunities to gather, and to “rest” in the love of God on Sundays.

Those are the days I recall with vivid detail – I can almost smell my mom’s sauce as of this writing, she made the best sauce in all the land!  The crowd of Sunday solidified that entirely.  God is a provider of all that we need, and he is a God of pure and true love.  It is because of the grace of God that I am able to look back and smile, and realize what an incredible family I have had, and so many friends that came and walked through our household and our lives…Some have been called home, but their memories linger on.  They are all living with our Savior, and all of which we will see again one day.  The way that we act with family and friends, and people in general is something that will “carry over ” into our spiritual life when we are in heaven.  The bonds we form with our family and friends, and how we treat them, will carry over into our Father’s house in heaven.  That is the only thing that we will carry over from this earth, from this world, are our righteous acts, our way of interacting with family, friends, people, strangers- that will determine our wardrobe in heaven. 

Please, if any of you have a “quarrel” with someone, or if  you have “heard something” that was allegedly said- don’t hold on to this, forgive and move on – it is what Christ wants us to do.  The enemy is the one that wants us to “fester” and make a boil bigger and bigger until it is about to burst causing considerable pain.  God wants you to be happy, pray together have fun together, and help each other while doing so.

I will always remember those days of my childhood, family friends, and my mom’s incredible food after the early morning Church services.  It was such a beautiful day of peace, rest, and love – just a few ways we can describe GOD!

Have a blessed day filled with peace, love and rest in God!  I pray you all have memories and treasures in your heart of which God blessed you with, and I pray you will forgive and forget if you are not speaking to someone you love.

I will see you next time,

Peace Blessings and God’s love,

CD Swanson~

Acts 16:31 “And they said, ‘Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.”

Acts 16:34 “And when he had brought them into his house, he set meat before them, and rejoiced, believing in God with all his house.”

Dear God With Love~


 Psalm 23:1-2 NKJV  “The Lord is my shepherd. I shall not want.”

"picture courtesy of GodVine.Com" All rights belong to GODVINE “..a shepherd lays down His life for His sheep


Good Morning everyone,

It was raining again when I woke up, but I smiled and looked up and thanked the Lord for another day, and said, “LORD, endue me with power from above.”

To receive the power from above to go forward and to do His work and to be led by the Spirit is what I ask each and every day.  To reach even one person is monumental to me, let alone what it equates to for our  Father in heaven.  He is overjoyed at any sheep coming home, or finding their way.

So, today going forward in your activities of daily living (ADL’s) – someone might need a smile, a word of encouragement, a gentle prod in the right direction.  In my book, “Changed from the inside out” – I mention becoming a “human compass” for any given individual that has lost their way – for whatever the reason, think of a broken compass where the needle is stuck…become someones human compass and push their needle in the right direction, until they are on the right path.  Remember God is watching, and He is our compass and our everything.

I will see you next time!   

Peace Blessings and Gods Love,

CD Swanson~                                                                                            

Luke 24:49  KJV “And, behold, I send the promise of my Father upon you: but tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem, until ye be endued with power from on high.”

 Christ relayed this to His disciples that He would send the promise of the Father; which in fact was power from on high. They had to wait in Jerusalem for this event to occur. The Spirit that He would send would be the power from God. He reiterated this again on the day of his ascension into heaven.


“The Chateau”

Hello Everyone,

I pray you are all doing well and enjoying life as God intended it to be. I am very happy to announce that my newest book, “The Chateau” is available for purchase at “WestBow Press” bookstore.

Book Cover

It is a novel based on a Christian woman working at an upscale nursing home where “Dominique” who is so well loved and respected, doesn’t realize it but her life may be in danger as three key characters waltz into life and turn her world upside down.

I am so grateful to God for the opportunity to be able to write thanks to His generous gift that He bestowed upon me.  Thank you God, you are amazing in every way.  I love you my Abba Father.

May the Lords’ glorious light shine on you as you walk in His path of righteousness, and may He bless you in abundance now and always.

I will see you next time,

Peace, Blessings and Gods’ love~

CD Swanson~

Women’s Bible Cafe~


A Beautiful site for people who cannot get enough of our Lord~

Hello everyone,

This is a good site with a lot of great features and writer’s.  I have subscribed to it and have enjoyed it for some time now.  I feel you might love it as well!

I will see you next time~

Blessings Peace and Gods’ Love,

                                            CD Swanson~


Psalm 42:1 NKJV  “As the deer pants for the water brooks, so pants my soul for You, O God.”

Blessings From God~

God Blessed me with the Greatest Dad~

Hello Everyone,

This past father’s day I said two things immediately when I woke up.  The first thing was I looked up to heaven and said , “Thank you for another day Lord, and Happy Father’s day, I love you.”  And, the second thing I said was, “Father if you can, would you please tell my earth dad Happy father’s day and that I love him too.” 
It will be 12 years on July 1 since I lost the most incredible man/father a child could possibly want or ask for, he was amazing.  God Blessed us abundantly, my whole family that is- to have given us such a gift as my dad and his love that touched each and every one of us.  He was spectacular in all ways, funny, witty, compassionate and so protective of his family.
He has the greatest sense of humor, and a prankster to boot. 
I realized how special he was from the day I was able to discern as a child that I was so lucky to have him.  As many of you reading this may realize, you love your parents as we all should, no matter what – we honor them. But, how lucky are those who have a parent they can admire, and be so proud of.
My dad always knew the right thing to say, he was stern when he needed to be- but that was so rare, he was an even tempered kind and loving man.  However, like our Father in heaven, he knew when he had to be stern for our own good.  Our Father can be that way with us sometimes, although he loves us so unconditionally, he needs to straighten us out every now and then if we stray or do something of an abomination in His eyes.   But, after being chastised, His arms open wide and take you back again, over and over…He never forsakes us, nor will He ever leave us.
I love my dad and I still ache for his voice and his laugh, and I hold near and dear  in my heart all the treasured memories that we shared throughout the years; years I was fortunate enough to have had.  We were blessed to have him in our lives for so long, 76 years…And, each year better than the last, he contributed to so many things within our family, he was the glue that held us all together, the light of the family- the protector, “our lion” and “our lamb” – 
The true Lion and Lamb in Heaven, our Savior is protective of His children, and wants us to follow a path to His door, and know Him.  We need to learn about Him and His ways in order to get to the Father in heaven.  Jesus said in Luke 13:24 NKJV Strive to enter through the narrow gate, for many, I say to you, will seek to enter and will not be able.”
I choose to follow His ways, and I choose to love and honor the Lord, I pray that when it is my time that I will enter through the narrow gate to my Father’s house.  And, in so doing-serve you for all eternity. I thank you for all of the lessons you have taught me, and how much you have given me, and most especially for your unrelenting and unconditional and pure love. 
For none says it so clearly as John  3:16 NKJV  “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” Amen.
Thank you Lord – and thank you for the best parents a girl could have, and the best father a child could ever want.  “Daddy, see that picture of us dancing at my wedding, well we never did finish it- save the first dance for me when I get there.”  I love you daddy – and Father in heaven, I love you, and I lift your name on high.
All of you who are fortunate to have both parents, or even one, love them with all of your heart and appreciate them for all that they are.  Also, when you love and respect your parents, you are loving and respecting your Father in heaven…Please try to remember that.
I will see you next time,
CD Swanson~
John 14:23 NKJV “If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and we will come to him and make Our home with him.”

My Christian Books~

Hello Everyone,
 I just wanted to say hello and show you my books that are available online and at my publishers page.  You can purchase them online at, and at, and so many other sites.
I am so happy to bring these books to you mainly because I was truly led by the Spirit to write them.  The  words flowed from me like a river-each word and each page filled with Gods’ love and touch.  It is my intention that you will feel the love I have for my Lord through my words – and feel His peace.
 "picture courtesy of GodVine.Com" All rights belong to GODVINE “..a shepherd lays down His life for His sheep.”


 Book Cover


Available on Barnes and noble  and Amazon

 Psalm 23:1-2 NKJV  “The Lord is my shepherd. I shall not want.”

God is an amazing Father who wants each and everyone of us to thrive, He wants us to be happy while on earth-each one filled with a purpose, the script of which was written by God.  I pray your life is according to His “script” and that you appreciate God for who He is – “Our Fortress, our rock, our shield, our strength, our provider, our nurturer, our Savior, our King of Kings,  our everything, and the one who loves us so much, that he gave his “only begotten son” so that we may find eternal life.

Thank you Lord – I love you Always,

Peace Blessings and Gods’ love to you all,

CD Swanson~

God Is Love

Hello Everyone

 Welcome to my website.  I am so pleased you took the time to visit me.   I am in the process of updating and getting acquainted with the site, so bear with me as I learn how to navigate through here.

Please feel free to leave a note telling me what is on your mind and if you enjoyed your visit and if you read any of my books.  I am so thankful to the Lord for the gifts that God gave me.  I have always had a hunger in my heart to write and to serve the elderly population, and it was the Lord that placed that in my heart. 

So my message to any of you who are reading this right now, if you have a love and passion in your heart for something, listen closely for that might be “God calling you.”  When the Lord wants us to live according to our purpose in which He created us, you will feel love and desire in your heart for that purpose.   Listen to His voice, most times it is quiet and still, and the message will begin in your heart.

I am so thankful for everything God has given me in my life, my cup runneth over.  To all of you reading this, may you find your “gifts” and use them as they were intended to be used.  May you walk in His ways and may His light shine within your soul.

I will see you next time,

Peace Blessing and Gods’ love,

CD Swanson~


Proverbs  8:32 NKJV   “Now therefore, listen to me, my children, For blessed are those who keep my ways.”