DEAR GOD: Life is a Loop~





I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last.”

Revelation 22:13



If we’re fortunate and blessed, we awaken each morning,  realizing God has granted us another day. With that new day, comes an array of duties,  we all have a routine of sorts…I call it a “Loop.”

We have a designated set of responsibilities.  Those of us who are retired, transport over to a new way of life.  Waking up a little later,  taking our time doing things, because we’re not usually subject to time constraints, as when working, or as when we were younger.

Then there are those in an “empty nest”  who find they may have more time.  Of course some may be enjoying the extra time, still others feeling saddened by the “void.”

Some have lost loved ones, and are adjusting to a different way of “living” without that individual.  The list goes on, and can be quite extensive overall.  But one thing that emerges forward, our life is a “constant Loop” for the most part.

It goes around and around and comes full circle.  And we’re all going to have some sort of “loop” in our days here on earth.  We all share things that others go through, its not uncommon what we are experiencing as God states in His word–(1 Cor. 10:13)– We all share the same temptations at times, we go through trials, we go through triumphs, and we go through losing something, or someone so very important. We lose and gain friends along the way.   Crises, illness, life, death. “Loops.”

The only discernable, and distinctive difference, is how we handle the “loops” — Those of faith know that within that “loop” is the Great I Am, the Beginning and the End, the Alpha and Omega...Our Father.

When He, is within our “loop,” there isn’t anything that we can’t handle through His Sovereignty.

There isn’t anything we can’t face through His love.

There isn’t anything we can’t accomplish through His blood.

There isn’t anything that can’t be fulfilled, through His grace and magnificence.

When you find yourself in the loop at the end of the day…look for the One constant in that circle.

Look and embrace the Lord Jesus Christ, who brings us peace and understanding, protection and security, and leads us to the green meadows and still waters.

When we do that, and embrace Him,  the “loop” we encounter, becomes an ease of circumference, that is driven by our faith, and by His love.  Amen!


“Father, thank You for Your presence in my life, morning, noon and night, You are my One constant, and the reason I’m able to get through the “loops” of life, today, tomorrow, and always, in Jesus name, Amen.”



DEAR GOD: Your Glory be Praised~





Psalm 19:1-6

The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.


With thanks, and love, I proclaim His glory, and magnificence.

Daily praise is a habitual addiction of mine.

Let me repeat, “daily praise” is a habitual addiction of mine.

I sing a song aloud, out of nowhere!

At times, my dog jumps up, and stares at me as if to say, “Mommy, are you okay?  Will you be able to still give me my treats, food and hugs?”  LOL

How many of us are guilty of “praising the Lord all day long?”  I’m hoping we are a huge majority, but sadly…I wonder if that is true.

Yes, there are those who faithfully practice praising, and meditation along with Bible reading daily.

But…how many of us follow along those lines of openly, loudly, and purposely bowing down to give worship to the “Greatest of all?”

Naturally, there are times when that might be a little difficult to do. Such as in a store checking out your grocery items. For one to suddenly shout, “Praise to You LORD Jesus Christ!” and then proceed into song, might cause individuals to turn tail and run!  So…not sure if we can do it everywhere.  But, we can do it in our heads, and in our hearts, everywhere!  Right?

Today…as you go through the day, if you aren’t already in the “habit” of doing so, give Him a shout of “Thanks” and proclaim His glory.

He will smile and shower you with thanks. And your spirit will be in accord with His.


“Father God, thank You for everything!  Praise You for all You are, and all You do!  Praise You!  Praise You! Praise You!  In Jesus name, I proclaim Your glory, Amen!”



DEAR GOD: Holy Holy Holy is My LORD~


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“And one cried unto another, and said, Holy, holy, holy, is the LORD of hosts: the whole earth is full of his glory.”

Isaiah 6:3 (KJV)

The entire earth is fulness of His Glory! 

His Shekinah Glory!

All things He has made on this earth, and in the entire expanse of the Universe, planets, etc., are extensions and expressions of Him, and His magnificence.

His wisdom and goodness are manifold.  In other words, His power and Holiness are seen everywhere.

Huge mountains, seas, babbling brooks, trees, mighty and small, animals of every species, and all of humankind, lay the foundation, and praise to His Glory, and Omnipotence!  Hallelujah!

The holiness of God appears from the positive, uniform, and repeated testimonies, of the sacred writers.

His essence, His presence, and His holiness, are undeniably present in the Bible, and in fact, in all we are today, even in this world, as it currently stands. Yes, through the darkness is His light!

The holiness of the LORD, appears in the sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit, in hearts of believers, allowing us full salvation.

Ostensibly, the Holy Spirit, was appointed with that purpose in mind…To dwell in the believers, accepting Him, and knowing He is our Lord and Savior…this is to recognize eternal life! Romans 8:9;

Holy Holy Holy is He!

For those who recognize, and acknowledge Him, in all they do, it shall be an advantage, and a pathway to eternal bliss. Ephesians 2:18

God loves us, His love is a consuming fire…It goes both ways. Let not anyone expect to live easily, who are living against the grain of morality, and decency, and love…all of which the LORD governs, and all of which Christianity is.

Sin can destroy, weakens the roots of people, it can obliterate beauty, and the soul within.  If God’s word is ignored, and carelessly cast aside, we should expect that the LORD will become disappointed, and perhaps, leave us to our own devices?

Chaos will ensue, along with signs, such as diseases, famine, and so much more.

As God is Holy, so should we try to be so too.

“Be Holy as Your Father in Heaven is Holy!”

Jesus calls each one of us to become like our Father in heaven. He calls us to be holy. Holiness in communion — in a solid and loyal relationship — with God.

Jesus, is the quintessential Being of Holiness.

Jesus is what Holiness comprises. Some of which is: commitment, perseverance, sacrifice, courage, mercy, compassion, wisdom, joy, and above all this, LOVE.

We can never be anywhere near who He is…but, we can strive to do so, in our actions, our thoughts, our deeds, and in our hearts.

Look around and see, sense, taste, hear and feel His Holiness!



“Father, my LORD, and Savior, thank You, for Your Magnificence, Your Holiness abounds throughout the Universe, in all places, and through all things, big and small, all Glory, Honor, and Power and Dominion,  belongs to You, and You alone, in Jesus name, Amen.”




DEAR GOD: My Rock, My Love, My All~

“The God of my rock; in him will I trust: he is my shield, and the horn of my salvation, my high tower, and my refuge, my saviour; thou savest me from violence.”

1 Samuel 22:2-3 (KJV)

David’s song of joy, proudly and loudly proclaiming, the LORD is His Rock and Shield, is a common thread to all believers.  Those who are blessed to know Him personally, and intimately, know Christ is our personal Protector, and Champion, in whom we can all take refuge.

As with David, and His lamentations and proclamations, of both troubling times and joyful moments, the LORD wants all of His children to take part in this wonderful, and awesome truth, and in His ever lasting love.

Christ, is our Savior, and well known to those of faith.  We know  that His love, imparts His glory for all of His children.  He does not divide His love, sub-divide His grace, or pick and choose whom He wishes to help, or grant grace and mercy to.

No.  In fact, He wants “all” of us to realize the depth of His power, the impact of His wrath,(should we choose another path) and the reward of obedience, to His Sovereign, and Glorious Omnipotence.

We should rejoice as David did, in full recognition, of His undivided attention; His free flowing, and never ending love; along with His undiluted grace, and merciful salvation.

The full moment of knowing we have a Savior, who cares for us, unconditionally, twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, is not only an epiphany of exponential proportions, but also a life defining moment, that transcends throughout this lifetime and beyond.

Our Rock.

Our Refuge.

Our Love.

Our All.



Dear Father, thank You for Your never-ending ongoing protection, for being our Rock, Provider, Protector, and loving us with the capacity of which none other can, may we rejoice in You today, tomorrow, and always, in Jesus name, Amen.”





DEAR GOD: “No” Means Not Yet~


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“Be still and know that I am God…”

Psalm 46:10


When God doesn’t answer our prayers, or seem to be listening to our requests, it doesn’t mean “NO” — it might mean, “not yet” or, “I love you, so I’m not letting that happen.”

As Christians, we are aware of God’s ultimate grace, and timing in all things.  His wisdom, and knowledge, far exceeds that which we can possibly understand. His untrammeled vision, sees far beyond what our human eye can.  And His enduring love for us, is deep and unfathomable.

I’m sure many of those reading this has at one time or another, prayed to the LORD, with their requests laid out, and their hearts exposed in humility for something, or someone.  As I’m sure many reading this have been impatient at one time or another, and thereby upset, that a request, or prayer went “unanswered.”  

Or so we thought!

Many times God’s silence, is a form “of love” and protection.  After all, parents know what’s best for their children, and wouldn’t meet an unreasonable request that their child was asking.

So too with the LORD.  Only it’s ten thousand times more magnified. It’s unlikely that God will grant a request that might harm us.  Or grant one that is not according to His timing. Because His timing is perfect, as He is perfect in all ways.

Don’t be discouraged, if God isn’t responding in a way that you’d expect, or would want. But instead goes silent, or in another direction. It’s for our own good.

God knows what’s best for us “years before” we even know what we want. He knows what our requests will be way before we utter them in our own minds.

He, after all, is the Creator.  He has the map of our blueprints, in His hands.

He knows what’s to be.

What’s to happen.

What is best.




Know He is God.

His love is at work for us at all times.  The Master never sleeps, and is ever present for all the moments of our life, and beyond into Eternity.

So next time you ask, “God why haven’t you answered me?”   I’d suggest you say, “Thank You” instead.  Because, He will answer, in His time, at the right time, ALL THE TIME.


“Dear God, thank You for Your unifying grace and overall love, we know that all things will come to those who wait patiently, and know that You are at work protecting and guiding us, all the days of our lives, in Jesus name, Amen.”






DEAR GOD: Heal Our Land O’ LORD~





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To say the world is in need of a healing, is a masterpiece of an understatement.

The horrific, paralyzing killer coronavirus, has been a life altering growth, leaving devastation in its wake.

The evil that is swirling in the Nation has been suffocating to most everyone.  And to top it all, the  civil unrest is despicable.  Sadly it’s become commonplace to “hate” those who don’t agree with their views.

The lack of tolerance and love is disconcerting and the “division” is scary.  The end result is the nation is in need of a  powerful “healing.”

Only the LORD has the power to heal.  Only the LORD has the power to unify, and only the LORD, has the power for change.

Hezekiah, in 2 Kings, was fully healed, though he had been expected to die.  Instead, the LORD extended his life for fifteen more years.

Prayers work.” 

The LORD hears the righteous prayers, and sees their tears. He turns from the wicked, but is close to those who love Him.

“Prayers work.”

As with Hezekiah, who needed a healing…so too does our nation.  We need to pray with a contrite heart.  We need to trust Him with all of our heart and soul and might and mind.  We need to pray for a “healing” in one big accord.

“Prayers work.”

The LORD moved the earth in order to give a sign to Hezekiah.  He can do anything at all. Nothing is too big or too small for the Great I Am. He alone has the power to heal our nation.  We need to have faith, pray and never lose hope or sight of our Sovereign Father, who is in control at all times.

“Prayers work.”

He allows things to happen for reasons, that at times is far outside our human comprehension. But there is an obvious pattern of Christian behavior that reaps vast rewards—Trust—Faith—Love—and Prayers!

“Prayers work.”

Keep praying, keep believing, keep speaking to Him from your heart.  He listens, He hears, and He heals.  Amen!



“Almighty Father in heaven, we know You are ultimately in control at all times, we look to You for all things, for guidance, direction, wisdom, and healing, in Jesus name, Amen.”


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DEAR GOD: Your Living Water Fills my Heart~


I love reading the Bible, it brings inner serenity and my soul is refreshed in every way. It is nothing short of amazing, how His word calls to my heart, and heals me from within to without.

Jesus is truth and the truth is, “He is the Living water” and I am filled with waters pouring from my heart.

“If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, ‘Out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.”  John 7:38

It is true, for those of us who believe. It is an energy that bubbles up from the inside and provides a tranquil and satisfying reaction.  The satisfaction of “hearing His words” and meditating on “Him and His love” brings feelings which are hard to describe.

Suffice it to say, I find my answers, almost all of the time when I run to Him.  Sometimes it’s within that moment for the answers I’m seeking.  Ostensibly, it can be hours or days before we “hear and sense” the answer. But it will happen, make no mistake about it. It will, in His time. And His timing is perfect. Not ours, but His!

But truth be told. And the truth is, Jesus is “truth.” He is the “Living water.”  He is all that we need, today, tomorrow and always.

Is your heart heavy with burdens?  Cast it to Him.

Is your mind filled with unrest?  Rest in Him.

Is your life deplete?  With Him you will be replete.

Is your thirst overwhelming?  With Him you will never thirst again.

Go to the One who cares for us more than we can understand, and experience the joy from within.

Experience the vitality of being free, then rejoice in Him.

Open the  best Book in the entire world,  and get to know Him.

It’s a life, and experience like none other.



“Abba Father, thank You for Your promises and fulfilling me in ways that only You can, with Your love I am filled with Joy, now and always, in Jesus name, Amen.” 

DEAR GOD: Your Love Conquers the World~




These things I have spoken unto you, that in Me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation, but be of good cheer: I have overcome the world.”

John 16:33 (KJV)



Today, once again, I awaken to give thanks for another day…and give thanks for “His blood,” and protection, over my life and family.

He told us, “Be of good cheer: I have overcome the world!”  Hallelujah!

We are His, and He is ours.  The world will always offer up a myriad of things. That includes, trouble and hardships. Temptations and envy. Goodness and evil. Light and dark.

But Jesus is with us and tells us “Be of good cheer: I have overcome the world!” 

Isn’t that comforting?

Isn’t that a vast reality of joy?

To know that He is with us always, and that He has overcome the world. Wow!

There isn’t anything better than that or more satisfying for our souls, realizing this. Accepting this truth. And applying it all the days of our lives.

Today, may I invite you to “embrace that scripture,” and all that it encompasses to us, for us, and within us.  Then, “embrace Him,” and His love. To do so is to open the doors to freedom, light, truth, comfort, and life everlasting!  Hallelujah!


“Thank You LORD for deliverance and protection over my life, today, and always, in Jesus powerful name, Amen.”


Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them:  because  greater is He that is in you,  than he that is in the world. 

1 John 4:4 (KJV)


DEAR GOD: Willing to do Your Will~





Praise the Lord, you angels,
    you mighty ones who carry out his plans,
    listening for each of his commands.

Yes, praise the Lord, you armies of angels
    who serve him and do his will!

Psalm 103:20-21



In the Bible,  Jesus says; “not My will, but Your will be done…”and obviously, He’s talking about His Father, the Great I AM.  He’s teaching us that His will be done, and not ours.

But I often wonder, how many Christians follow what Jesus has said?

As we go about our lives any given day, we should always move forward with that notion in mind. That ultimately, it is the LORD’s will, and not ours, that is and should be prevalent at all times.

It’s relatively easy to lose sight of that during our busy encounters, and duties throughout the day. But when we go and pray and meditate that should be on the forefront of our minds.

To pray for God’s will to be done, is to be committed to pursuing the knowledge of God’s will. While getting to know His ways, and His doctrine, and His word.
To pray for God’s will to be done,  is to submit to God’s perfect wisdom, and sovereignty, and power. While trusting in Him, even when going through the harshest of trials.

Praying for God’s will to be done, inherently becomes a comparative basis for Christians to conform to Him, while exploring the world,  believing He will guide us, direct us, and lead us, while honing us into a closer mirror image of Himself, from the inside out.

It can appear as a Herculean task to be disciplined in God’s word, while accepting His will.  But eventually, we will be victorious through Christ, and excel, as we aspire to higher ground in Him, and through Him.

The next time we pray, “Our Father, who art in Heaven, Hallowed be Thy name, Thy Kingdom come,  Thy will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven…” Stop and really think about those words, and what it means to apply it to our everyday life.  Ask for His guidance, and help, to truly grasp the enormity of that undertaking, with the ease of wisdom, and knowledge ,that only comes from Him, and His grace.

He will show you, His will for your life, you need only ask. Our Father, is a loving and obliging God, today, tomorrow and always.  

“Father God, we thank You for Your word, Your love and Your will in our lives, may we always be obedient to You in prayer, actions, and in our hearts, in Jesus name, Amen.”


DEAR GOD: I Wait in Hope of Thee~




And now, Lord, what wait I for? my hope is in thee.

Psalm 39:7 (KJV)
And Now LORD, what wait I for?   
In other words, the “present is so discouraging, and daunting, the world is so unsettling, now what?
What do I wait for? 
What hope have I?
Cutting away from the ugliness of the “world,” while latching on to the LORD, brings hope, encouragement, and an abundance of overflowing satisfaction.
As Christians, we believe in Christ, and His resurrection.
Our Redeemer lives. Amen!
In other words, although we live, we “die” to the “world” and we are born again, the old person dies, and a new one in its place comes. Thanks be to Christ.
Being “born again,” and accepting JESUS, as our LORD and Savior, we are acknowledging Him and what He’s done for us, and therefore become “new creatures,” as the old person dies. In and through our baptism Spiritually it is so, we are born again.
No matter where we are in life, there is always hope, and answers and help come only from Him.
Bathing ourselves with His Word, and His love, catapults us into greater things that we weren’t capable of prior to accepting Him in our heart.
His wisdom, and unmerited grace, is a cloak that protects us in all aspects of our everyday encounters.  We are able to sustain a steady course, while tempering our pace to stay on “course” as we wait for Him.  All hope and help comes from Him, when we allow ourselves to be submerged in His able hands, and magnificence, we don’t have to ask “now what” — because he is our lifelong compass, and He will guide, and bring us, to our destination, today, tomorrow and always.
Have you had an intimate talk today with Him? 
He truly is the best listener you could ever have in your life.
Love Him with all your heart.  And Hope in the LORD, and everything else will take care of itself, as He intends.
“Dear LORD, I look to You for all things, through all things, and for all things, You are my everything and my answer to all I seek, may I find favor in Your sight, in Jesus name, Amen.”